Congratulations! By making a gift with life insurance or other tools, you make Sheridan County even more special!
Life insurance is one of several you can use to quickly connect more people to land and history in Sheridan County. Below, you can learn about how you can easily make a meaningful impact on a place you love.
Giving through your Life Insurance
Name the Sheridan Community Land Trust as a beneficiary of your life insurance policy and save on estate taxes. Life insurance may also be give outright. All it takes is contacting your life insurance company and requesting a “Change of Beneficiary” form.
Giving through Retained Life Estate Gifts
Give the Sheridan Community Land Trust your house or property and continue to live there rent-free.
Giving through Business Interests
Give an interest in a closely held or family business.
Giving through Partnership Interests
Transfer an interest in a real estate or a business interest to the Sheridan Community Land Trust, while honoring your life’s work and/or diversifying your assets.
Gifts of Personal Property
Donate books, artwork, or equipment to support our mission and save on taxes.
Giving through a Charitable Gift Annuity
Give the Sheridan Community Land Trust a gift which SCLT purchases as an annuity that will provide you (or up to two beneficiaries) a fixed income for life.
Giving through a Deferred Gift Annuity
Same as Charitable Give Annuity except you defer the annuity payments and receive higher income payments.
Giving through a Charitable Remainder Unitrusts
Give the Sheridan Community Land Trust a gift that is invested. Income from the investment goes to you during your life. Upon your death, the invested corpus goes to SCLT.
Giving through a Charitable Lead Trust
Give the Sheridan Community Land Trust a gift that is invested. Income from the investment goes to SCLT during your life. Upon your death, the invested corpus goes to your heirs.
Feel free to call Brad Bauer, Executive Director, at 307-673-4702 or send him an email at [email protected].
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