SCLT Pocket Nature Guides

Have you ever been exploring our beautiful Bighorns backyard and came across a bird, a bug, a flower or a tree and wondered what it was?

If you nodded your head as you read that, then SCLT has a new way to help you connect with the land and natural history of our home.

SCLT has partnered with Waterford Press to create pocket nature guides for Red Grade Trails and the Soldier Ridge Trail System. They include many of the wildflowers, trees, shrubs, insects and birds you may encounter while enjoying these incredible trail systems. Best yet, you can take the guide with you anywhere you go in the Bighorns!

SCLT thanks Carol and Sam Mavrakis of The Seidler Foundation for making this handy way to learn possible.

These guides will be available soon. You can reserve your copy (or copies) today!

Update: Red Grade Trails guides are available for pickup at the SCLT Office now. Soldier Ridge Trail System guides will be available approximately July 10.