Big Goose Creek Walking Tour

#TBT – Throw Back Thursdays Follow weekly social media posts

Throw Back Thursdays #TBT is a weekly social media post that tells local historical stories, highlights elements from current SCLT historical projects, and/or announces upcoming historical activities.

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TBT – Stagecoach Routes – Big Horn Blacksmith Shop

On this #TBT, we highlight the historic Big Horn Blacksmith Shop. The information comes from a sign created by the Sheridan County Historic Preservation Commission and placed near the intersection of Johnson and Creighton Streets. Big Horn grew up as one of the main communities along the stage route in Sheridan County. The first [...]


TBT – Dana Ave. – Tongue River Water Trail

For this #TBT, we continue our journey down the Tongue River Water Trail, checking out SCLT’s recently installed signs which highlight historic events, themes, and figures nearby. Come ashore with us at Dana Avenue to learn about the history of Thorne Rider Park. Thorne-Rider Stadium was established after Count Frederic Thorne-Rider tuned into a [...]


TBT – West Works St. – Tongue River Water Trail

For this #TBT, we continue our journey down the Tongue River Water Trail, checking out SCLT’s recently installed signs which highlight historic events, themes, and figures nearby. After some slow meanders around the looping oxbows of Big Goose Creek, we find ourselves at the footbridge on West Works St. Henry Held homesteaded this area [...]


TBT – Stagecoach Routes – Pass Post Office

On this #TBT, let’s continue down old stage roads to Pass, Wyoming. This information comes from a sign originally placed by the Sheridan County Historic Preservation Commission about one-half mile west of the intersection on Pass Creek Road and Wyoming Highway 345 near Parkman. Pass Post Office was established alongside the stage road in [...]


TBT – Stagecoach Routes – Bingham Post Office and Stage Station

On this #TBT, we continue exploring the historic stage roads of Sheridan County through a series of signs created by the Sheridan County Historic Preservation Commission. This sign, “Bingham Post Office and Stage Station,” was placed on the north side of US Highway 14 about halfway between Ranchester and Dayton. It no longer stands. [...]


TBT – Stagecoach Routes – Mail Routes and Service

On this #TBT, we continue our exploration of the historic stage roads of Sheridan County. This week’s post comes from a sign originally placed by the Sheridan County Historic Preservation Commission at Keystone Road and South Dry Creek a decade ago. This segment of the Rock Creek to Montana stage road between the Union [...]


TBT – Padlock Ranch – Tongue River Water Trail

Recently, SCLT installed signs along the Tongue River Water Trail which highlight historic events, themes, and figures nearby. On this #TBT, we pull in our paddles and pause at the Padlock Ranch to learn about cattle drives and the start of ranching history. Routes to move cattle and take advantage of the open range [...]


TBT – Sibley Scouts

On this #TBT, we look to the Bighorn Mountains and imagine a fast-moving, three-day game of cat and mouse across steep, rocky terrain. This was the experience of a group known as the Sibley Scouts. The peace achieved by 1868’s Fort Laramie Treaty was broken as a rush of prospectors flooded into Indian [...]

Thank You To Our Partners Who Have Helped Fund Our History Program

Questions? Or to schedule a tour.

Contact Us Today:

Kevin Knapp

History Program Manager