Volunteer Day: Wet Meadow Restoration at Sixmile Creek

Wet meadows are critical homes for many well-known gamebirds like grouse, pheasants, and chukars, as well as less well-known birds like Long-billed curlews and Short-eared owls. At this volunteer day, you will build simple rock structures called Zeedyks that slow water and restore wetland habitat so more birds- and everything else that lives on the land- can thrive in Sheridan County.

When: Wednesday, June 12, at 8:30 a.m. to approximately 1 p.m. Grilled lunch will be provided.

Where: Meet at the Tongue River Valley Community Center in Ranchester. We will carpool to the work site.

What you will do: You will help build stone structures to rebuild wet meadow habitat. This includes moving and building with rocks using hand tools such as shovels, picks, and wheelbarrows.

What you should bring: Please wear close-toed shoes. Bring water, wear layers appropriate for weather conditions, sun protection, and work gloves if you have them.

What SCLT will provide: Hand tools, gloves, snacks, beverages. We will provide lunch.

SCLT thanks the Masters family for donating and grilling lunch for everyone who volunteers.

Soldier Ridge Fence Removal Volunteer Night

You can help local wildlife like mule deer and antelope at a Soldier Ridge Fence Removal Volunteer Night. You will directly help wildlife, agriculture, and recreation continue to co-exist in this beautiful landscape.

When: Thursday, June 20 from 5-7:30 p.m.

Where: Meet at the base of Cavalry Ridge Rd, just before the gate. To get there, follow Soldier Creek Rd out of Sheridan about 2 miles to the intersection with Cavalry Ridge Rd.

What you will do: You will help remove about 1.25 miles of fence near the Soldier Ridge Trail.

What you should bring: Please bring your own water bottle, hat/sunglasses, and gloves or fencing pliers if you have them.

What SCLT will provide: SCLT will have drinks and pizza. SCLT will also have some tools available.