History Projects
SCLT works to tell our local and regional history through the lens of our natural resources, landscapes, and diverse cultures. SCLT historic projects offer community members and visitors of Sheridan insight about local history of Sheridan County and the heritage of Regional Plains Tribes.
Throw Back Thursdays #TBT
Throw Back Thursdays #TBT is a weekly social media post that highlights elements from current SCLT historical projects and to announce upcoming historical activities.

The Star Man of Sheridan College by Sue Simonich, Museum of Discovery Mohns Center at Sheridan College
Color photo of the Mohns Center circa 1982, courtesy of the Wyoming Room, Sheridan Fulmer Library, Sheridan Wyoming. For over seventy years, Sheridan College has been the mecca of learning for north central Wyoming. Developed as an agricultural junior college in the rich farming territory of Big Goose Valley, its development over the years was [...]
Stephen George Homestead
When Stephen George built his cabin on a site along Prairie Dog Creek in 1881, there were just two other homes in what would soon be Sheridan. But the homestead’s story goes as far back as 360 million years with the fossils contained in its barn’s bricks.
Monarch Lutheran Cemetery
The Monarch Lutheran Cemetery Preservation Project utilized volunteers to provide a little TLC to the historic cemetery while documenting marked and unmarked graves on the site.
Monarch Bridge
The Monarch Lutheran Cemetery Preservation Project utilized volunteers to provide a little TLC to the historic cemetery while documenting marked and unmarked graves on the site.
Mandel Cabin
The Monarch Lutheran Cemetery Preservation Project utilized volunteers to provide a little TLC to the historic cemetery while documenting marked and unmarked graves on the site.
Iron Riders Trail Driving/Cycling Tour
Follow the route taken by the Black soldiers of the 25th Infantry Regiment Bicycle Corps in 1897 when they traveled through Sheridan County on their way from Fort Missoula, Montana to St. Louis, Missouri.

Human Migration of Southeastern Sheridan County
Human Migration of Southeastern Sheridan County explores how the human migration process has changed the characteristics of the landscape through the themes of nomadic, the horse, water, and settlement.

History on the Soldier Ridge Trail – A Walking Tour
Follow in the footsteps, hoofprints, and stagecoach tracks of history while getting outdoors with History on the Soldier Ridge Trail.
History and Culture of the Bighorn Mountains
Three interpretive signs will notate the history and the heritage of the Plains Indian Tribes to the Bighorn Mountains. In the summer of 2021 the signs will be place along SCLT trails.
Stephen George Homestead
When Stephen George built his cabin on a site along Prairie Dog Creek in 1881, there were just two other homes in what would soon be Sheridan. But the homestead’s story goes as far back as 360 million years with the fossils contained in its barn’s bricks.
Sheridan Inn
The Sheridan Inn is a historical treasure to Sheridan, Wyoming and the building represents a rich local history and western legends. The Sheridan Inn is the first historical easement in the State of Wyoming.
Doc Huson
Preserving land, history east of Sheridan Conserved land and historic preservation working together in Sheridan County. In 2015, previous landowners Mark and Kim Tenneson celebrated a conservation easement and historical preservation easement to protect the land, the homestead, and the rich history that comes with it.
Explore History to tour historic Eatons’ Ranch
Chris Vrba2023-08-29T11:44:26-06:00August 29th, 2023|Comments Off on Explore History to tour historic Eatons’ Ranch
Join us for this very special tour of Wyoming’s original dude ranch. You’ll learn about the history of Eatons’ Ranch, tour the buildings, and experience its beautiful location along Wolf Creek. Sept. 12 • 10 [...]
From volunteer to ‘dream job,’ Kevin Knapp joins SCLT as History Program Manager
Chris Vrba2023-07-18T16:04:42-06:00July 18th, 2023|Comments Off on From volunteer to ‘dream job,’ Kevin Knapp joins SCLT as History Program Manager
When you wish upon a star… It may not be Disney, but for Kevin Knapp, the opportunity to join Sheridan Community Land Trust as its new History Program Manager was a little like a dream [...]
Thank You To Our Partners Who Have Helped Fund Our History Program

Questions? Or to schedule a tour.
Contact Us Today:
Kevin Knapp
History Program Manager