- Class at average July flow: 3
- Length: 0.56 miles
- Average drop/mile: 73.2ft/mile
- Average CFS in July: ~140 CFS
- Float time at average CFS: 5 minutes
- Drive distance between launch and land: 1.2 miles
- Straight line distance between launch and land: 0.41 miles
About This Float Segment:
A very short and swift float out of Kendrick Park and away from the thick vegetation that lines the upstream passage. The water picks up speed here as it drops down to meet the Little Goose Creek. Within seconds of passing under the second foot bridge you will enter the recently altered stream channel. This alteration is new and has not been evaluated yet, and as such, should be portaged around to the confluence at Mill Park.
Quick and Dirty:
Known hazards: The stream channel changes are not complete and are of unknow danger as of February 2024.
Wildlife: Hawks, falcons, buzzards, ducks, geese, box turtles, mink.
Vegetation: Cottonwood (Populus spp.), Willow (Salix spp.), Wild Bergamot (Monarda fistulosa), Showy Milkweed (Asclepias speciosa), Wild Rose (Rosa spp.), Red-osier dogwood (Cornus sericea)
GPS Location: 44.79951, -106.96461
Side of waterway: River left
Flow description at site: Slower moving outside corner, deeper
Ease of access: Gentle slope gravel and rock structures, moderate slope to staging area.
Staging area: Large asphalt area about 15ft from the water, access to parking depends on public parking availability.
Parking: Public parking in park, can be full depending on events.
Amenities: Bathroom with running water, playground, picnic shelters, ice cream stand.
GPS Location: 44.80315, -106.95797
Side of waterway: River right
Flow description at site: Fast moving outside corner, confluence, deeper
Ease of access: Difficult sloped loose gravel launch/land area, moderate slope to staging area.
Staging area: Park undergoing construction, access to parking depends on public parking availability.
Parking: Nearby public parking.
Amenities: Nearby downtown businesses, park bench.
(Kendrick Park and the zoo with the wildlife you don’t really see anymore.)
LOOK OUT FOR THESE HAZARDS and text re: hazards below.
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