
September on Red Grade Trails meant breaking ground for an additional mile of hiking trail on State Land. We are continually energized by the 30+ volunteers from the community who have donated their time, strength, and ideas to help us develop high quality and sustainable trails.

SCLT is allowed to construct 5.3 miles of hiking, biking, and equestrian trails on State Land under a special use permit. Existing trails named “Prairie” and “Tip of the Woods” make up just 1.8 miles of this total. The new trail, “Drifter”, will branch off of existing mileage, carefully climbing the north-facing slope and crossing the treed saddle to a beautiful vista with 360-degree views.

Believe it or not, natural surface trail building is both an art and a science. To make sure this trail becomes as awe-inspiring as the community supporting it, volunteers work under the guidance of professionally-trained SCLT Trails Manager Tami Sorenson. In addition, Wildwood Trails, the professional trail building company that helped with the first two trails, will join in the effort this fall, bringing extra skills and momentum before the snow arrives.