11 2017, 04

Heritage on High

2017-04-11T09:23:27-06:00April 11th, 2017|Community Initiatives, Recent News|

Imagine sitting around the campfire at dusk, the mountains silhouetted in the distance as each star winks and blinks its way into the darkening sky. Growing up here, Cloud Peak has always been in your thoughts and your view, but [...]

30 2016, 09

Tongue River Initiative Update

2022-07-18T15:54:38-06:00September 30th, 2016|Recent News, Water|

In partnership with the Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS), the Tongue River Initiative (a project-dependent partnership of SCLT, The Nature Conservancy, and Sheridan County Conservation District) would like to announce opportunities for Russian Olive removal with native species restoration, as [...]

30 2016, 09

Community-Valued Conservation

2016-09-30T10:30:46-06:00September 30th, 2016|Recent News|

We have been working diligently on the conservation front and are excited to share our anticipation of several projects closing before the end of 2016, with a fourth to follow in 2017.  The public benefits of these projects are diverse [...]

30 2016, 09

Building Trails. Building Community.

2016-09-30T10:26:41-06:00September 30th, 2016|Recent News|

September on Red Grade Trails meant breaking ground for an additional mile of hiking trail on State Land. We are continually energized by the 30+ volunteers from the community who have donated their time, strength, and ideas to help us [...]

15 2016, 06

Red Grade Progress

2016-06-15T15:20:29-06:00June 15th, 2016|Recent News|

Reconstruction begins of the two existing parking areas on State Land. The goal of the parking area project is to enhance on and off road safety in the immediate vicinity while improving the layout and grades of parking surfaces for [...]

26 2016, 02

Bid Awarded for Red Grade Parking Areas

2016-02-26T12:12:16-07:00February 26th, 2016|Recent News|

Construction Plan for Base Parking Area Construction Plan for Springs Parking Area Work continues on Red Grade Trails with parking lot reconstruction for the "Base" and "Springs" trailheads beginning in April. The designs came together over [...]

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