Imagine sitting around the campfire at dusk, the mountains silhouetted in the distance as each star winks and blinks its way into the darkening sky. Growing up here, Cloud Peak has always been in your thoughts and your view, but tonight is the first time you’ve heard the ancient Crow account of how Cloud Peak got its name. You lean closer to hear each word of the Crow elder telling the tale – the story an irresistible treat – and you grasp a sense of this place like never before.

Place. What if you always had a place around a campfire or in a cozy mountain cabin to come to hear and share stories, to learn from your friends and neighbors or to basecamp on the way to your next adventure?

Sheridan County is brimming with organizations that provide outstanding opportunities for all ages. So how do we strengthen and connect them, while providing a platform for even more creative local programming? Over the past six months, community members came together and brainstormed about how to do just that. The conclusion? Sheridan could benefit from a friendly, accessible, welcoming space; an Outdoor Education Center (OEC). Think of a Teton Science School of sorts, but one with a focus on fostering cross-cultural experiences through storytelling and community activities; a place for people from all walks of life to share the love of land, water, our heritage and connections.

Imagine this place where you come to celebrate – to hear and share stories of hardship and hope, of mishap and laughter, of strength and growth. Stories of you and your neighbors.

With your enthusiasm and support, Sheridan Community Land Trust will be working in partnership with other interested groups over the coming months to analyze the next steps needed to pursue this concept.

For more information on the OEC Feasibility Study (hot off the press!) or if you are interested in becoming involved, please email [email protected] or call 307-673-4702.