25 2021, 06

Volunteer Work Night at Red Grade Trails on July 1

2021-06-25T10:06:18-06:00June 25th, 2021|Community, Recent News, Recreation, Trails, Volunteering|

The Sheridan Community Land Trust is in search of kind trail lovers who will help us give Updraft and uplift at our next volunteer work night at Red Grade Trails. When: Thursday, July 1 from 6-8 pm Where: Springs Trailhead [...]

23 2021, 06

The Green Room Trail at Malcolm Wallop Park, our newest trail, is now open

2021-06-23T14:56:31-06:00June 23rd, 2021|Community, Hiking, Recent News, Recreation, Trails|

The Sheridan Community Land Trust is excited to announce that its newest community trail, The Green Room Trail at Malcolm Wallop Park, is now open. The Green Room Trail is SCLT’s most accessible trail to date. It connects directly [...]

18 2021, 06

$15,000 WyoGives Red Grade Trails Challenge Match to help go from The Base to Bear Gulch

2021-07-15T13:11:25-06:00June 18th, 2021|Community, Community Initiatives, Hiking, Recent News, Recreation, Trails|

The Dead Swede pledges additional $5,000 WyoGives Day Match for Red Grade Trails! Updated: July 13, 2021 Wow! Double wow! You came through and blew us away! Thank you for your generosity. Because of your [...]

14 2021, 06

Pets must always be leashed at all times on all Soldier Ridge Trail System trails

2021-06-21T11:38:45-06:00June 14th, 2021|Community, Hiking, Recent News, Recreation, Trails|

The Sheridan Community Land Trust will now require pets to always be leashed at all times on all Soldier Ridge Trail System trails. The rule change, explained SCLT Executive Director Brad Bauer, is being made to make rules regarding pets [...]

7 2021, 06

Sheridan Community Land Trust’s Community Trail Work Nights start Friday, June 11

2021-06-07T17:16:25-06:00June 7th, 2021|Community, Hiking, Recent News, Recreation, Trails, Volunteering|

The Sheridan Community Land Trust invites fellow trail lovers to help keep your community trails in great shape this summer at community work nights. The first community work night is scheduled for Friday, June 11 from 6-8 p.m. at Red [...]

11 2021, 05

Spring Into Summer with SCLT

2021-05-11T17:34:53-06:00May 11th, 2021|Community, Discovery Session, Event, Events, Recent News, Recreation, Trails|

The “Great Greening” is underway across Sheridan County – and no, I’m not talking about all those green license plates traveling north to enjoy our Wyoming Wonderland. The “Great Greening” is that gorgeous time of year when April showers not [...]

3 2021, 05

Soldier Ridge Bench Trail & western part of Kicking Horse Trail to close May 5-7

2021-05-03T10:56:15-06:00May 3rd, 2021|Recent News, Trails|

Attention all trail visitors: Soldier Ridge Bench Trail and the western end of Kicking Horse Trail will be closed May 5 – 7. The trail will reopen on May 8.  The trail closure is to allow for aerial spraying of [...]

30 2021, 04

Hidden Hoot Trail and Hoot Loop will reopen to the public on Saturday, May 8

2021-04-30T12:09:49-06:00April 30th, 2021|Community, Hiking, Recent News, Recreation, Trails|

The Sheridan Community Land Trust is excited to announce that Hidden Hoot Trail and Hoot Loop will reopen to the public on Saturday, May 8. The two trails, part of the Soldier Ridge Trail System, had been closed during calving [...]

28 2021, 04

Unplug with Discovery Sessions: All Senses Scavenger Hunt

2021-04-28T08:39:38-06:00April 28th, 2021|Community, Discovery Session, Event, Events, Hiking, Recent News, Recreation, Trails, Unplug|

Join Dr. Julie Rieder of Science Kids for this family-friendly, self-guided hour of sleuthing while spring is in swing! Use all of your senses to discover things green, fuzzy, squishy, prickly, fragrant, messy, and delightful, as you walk along Red [...]

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