With more kids than ever glued to a computer screen, time spent outside is becoming increasingly rare. Youth today are at risk of failing to develop an appreciation for the outdoors, a connection with nature, and a strong sense of place. But, that’s where you come in.

This summer, your support helped provide programs such as Unplug, the Explorer Series, community hikes, and volunteer days for the youth of Sheridan County. Not to mention, your support helped build and maintain community trails – which play a huge role in getting kids outside and active.

At Unplug’s Picnic on the Pathway event in July, families were invited to walk, bike, or scoot to Washington Park for a free dinner. (Thanks, Jimmy Johns!) The first family arrived with big smiles, explaining that this was their first time on the bike paths. The three boys and their father are from here; they live just up Highland hill and were outside being active together thanks to this event – and your vision that made it possible.

As a land trust and as a community, we realize that the future of Sheridan County rests on our youth. The children of today will protect and care for our land tomorrow. Soon, they will become leaders of and voters in our community and the advocates for our special places. Thanks to your vision, we can raise them well.