6 2022, 10

Celebrate our coal mining towns and the people who made them communities by driving the Black Diamond Trail on its 10th anniversary

2022-10-06T14:38:05-06:00October 6th, 2022|Community, Historic Preservation, Historic Tours, Recent News|

From the banks of the Powder River outside of Clearmont through the Badger Hills into the Littlehorn Canyon, past the Needle’s Eye and Fallen City up to where the first drops of water drip out of the mountain to begin [...]

29 2022, 08

SCLT trails keep community ‘in bloom’ by connecting people to land and history

2022-08-29T17:00:16-06:00August 29th, 2022|Community, Events, Hiking, Recent News, Recreation, Trails, Volunteering|

As the calendar turns too quickly to fall, it’s a good time to think about how trails have helped keep our community in bloom – even through (and especially during) the withering heat of summer. Whether it’s a morning ride [...]

18 2022, 07

Beat the heat in Mother Nature’s AC at Red Grade Trails

2022-07-18T17:02:39-06:00July 18th, 2022|Community, Hiking, Recent News, Recreation, Trails|

Is it hot in here or is it just me? No, that’s not Lake DeSmet forming at my feet as I sweat buckets standing on the street this Rodeo Week! But with the temperature touching triple digits, I reckon I [...]

29 2022, 06

$10K + $10K = $40K for Red Grade Trails WyoGives Challenge now open

2022-06-29T12:13:40-06:00June 29th, 2022|Community, Discovery Session, Hiking, Recent News, Recreation, Trails, Uncategorized|

How does the $10K + $10K = $40K for Red Grade Trails WyoGives Challenge work? All gifts MADE BEFORE WyoGives Day on July 13, up to a total of $10,000, will be matched dollar for dollar by Sarah Wallick & [...]

8 2022, 06

Goose Creek Cleanup Float for June 11 is postponed, new date to be announced

2022-07-18T15:17:19-06:00June 8th, 2022|Community, Community Initiatives, Event, Events, Recent News, Recreation, Volunteering, Water|

Due to high water levels, the Sheridan Community Land Trust and Sheridan Area River Coalition have postponed the Goose Creek Cleanup Float scheduled for June 11 to a later date. If you’d like to participate when the float is rescheduled, [...]

31 2022, 05

Hidden Hoot Volunteer Work Night postponed until June 9

2022-05-31T09:03:36-06:00May 31st, 2022|Community, Community Initiatives, Event, Events, Recent News, Recreation, Trails, Volunteering|

Due to heavy rainfall over the weekend, Sheridan Community Land Trust has postponed its Hidden Hoot Volunteer Work Night originally scheduled for Tuesday, May 31. The Hidden Hoot Volunteer Work Night has been rescheduled for Thursday, June 9 from 5-8 [...]

24 2022, 05

Earn your turns at SCLT’s Hidden Hoot Trail Night and Goose Creek Cleanup Float

2022-05-24T11:06:16-06:00May 24th, 2022|Community, Event, Events, Recent News, Recreation, Trails, Volunteering|

The Sheridan Community Land Trust invites our community to earn their turns at two upcoming volunteer events on the trail and water. Hidden Hoot Trail Night is scheduled for Tuesday, May 31, from 5 to 8 p.m. Volunteers will use [...]

17 2022, 05

Don’t fence me in: Schiffer School students help make Bridges West more friendly for wildlife

2023-05-17T16:26:49-06:00May 17th, 2022|Community, Community Initiatives, Conservation, Fencing, Recent News, Volunteering|

Students and staff of the John C. Schiffer Collaborative School must have had Cole Porter on their mind in early May as they turned strand after strand of barbed wire loose under western skies – Bridges West-ern skies that is. [...]

6 2022, 05

SHS Woods 1 students have a hoot learning career skills by building bridge for SCLT trail

2022-05-06T09:19:48-06:00May 6th, 2022|Community, Hiking, Recent News, Recreation, Trails, Volunteering|

The students of Sheridan High School’s Woods I program recently lent a helping hand that will allow people in the community have a hoot outdoors – a Hidden Hoot that is! An important component of Career and Technical Education (CTE) [...]

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