15 2022, 04

Additional grant from NextFifty Initiative helps Explore History program create ‘a unique way to make a profound impact’

2022-04-15T10:30:04-06:00April 15th, 2022|Community, Community Initiatives, Historic Preservation, Recent News|

It was on a Tuesday morning in January when Carrie Edinger, Sheridan Community Land Trust History Program Manager and Lisa Wells, Sr Fun & Wellness Coordinator at The Hub on Smith, knew they had the best kind of problem. So [...]

11 2022, 03

Provision Fund grant will help connect The Base to Bear Gulch at Red Grade Trails

2022-04-01T14:42:26-06:00March 11th, 2022|Community, Hiking, Recent News, Recreation, Trails|

It’ll be easier for people to explore our Bighorns backyard thanks to a grant from Provision Fund that will help build and maintain Sheridan Community Land Trust’s Red Grade Trails. Provision Fund Stewards visited the SCLT office on March 4 [...]

15 2022, 02

1772 Foundation grant will help SCLT offer more tools to preserve history in Sheridan County

2022-02-15T16:12:11-07:00February 15th, 2022|Community, Historic Preservation, Recent News|

The Sheridan Community Land Trust’s efforts to preserve places of historical importance will be bolstered thanks to a $20,000 grant from the 1772 Foundation. Carrie Edinger, SCLT Historical Program Manager, explained that the organization is working to preserve the places [...]

3 2022, 02

Cure your cabin fever with a time-honored tradition as Family Sled Day returns to the Kendrick Mansion

2022-02-03T14:02:31-07:00February 3rd, 2022|Community, Discovery Session, Event, Events, Recent News, Recreation|

Sledding is a time-honored tradition dating at least 800 years ago with the Kānaka Maoli, who, as reported by the Honolulu Star-Bulletin, made use of wooden sleds to “surf” the lava slopes (called kahua hōlua) of their native Hawaiian Islands. [...]

21 2021, 12

Sheridan High School Woods Program learn new skills and give back to community by building posting boards for SCLT trails

2021-12-21T08:52:30-07:00December 21st, 2021|Community, Recent News, Recreation, Trails|

This year, students from Sheridan High School’s Woods Program have been busy building their skills while building posting boards for Sheridan Community Land Trust’s growing network of community trails. Over the course of the year, the students will design and [...]

7 2021, 12

$22,000 Holiday Challenge Match open through January 15

2022-02-10T09:00:15-07:00December 7th, 2021|Community, Recent News|

make your matching gift today The Sheridan Community Land Trust is excited to announce that the $22,000 Holiday Challenge Match is now open. This exciting opportunity has been made possible thanks the to generosity of the Knobloch Family Foundation [...]

6 2021, 12

Go from The Base to Bear Gulch at Red Grade Trails in 2022 after final trail connections approved

2021-12-08T11:15:03-07:00December 6th, 2021|Community, Community Initiatives, Hiking, Recent News, Recreation, Trails|

Visitors to Red Grade Trails will be able to go from the bottom of the mountain to national forest up top without having to drive Red Grade Road next summer after the Bureau of Land Management gave the final approval [...]

2 2021, 12

SCLT gifts print to Sheridan College Native American Student Organization

2021-12-02T09:16:34-07:00December 2nd, 2021|Community, Historic Preservation, Historic Tours, Recent News|

Sheridan Community Land Trust presented a print of the panoramic Bighorn Mountain Sign to the Sheridan College Native American Student Organization on Nov. 30, 2021. The gift is part of the community outreach portion of SCLT’s interpretive sign project that [...]

1 2021, 10

Historical interpretive signs deepen sense of place on SCLT trails

2021-10-01T09:19:51-06:00October 1st, 2021|Community, Community Initiatives, Historic Preservation, Historic Tours, Recent News, Recreation, Trails|

What’s in a name? That which the Crow Tribe calls the Iisaxpúatahchee Isawaxaawúua, by any other name would be as beautiful. A truism that Sheridan Community Land Trust (SCLT) Historical Program Manager Carrie Edinger set about to explore through [...]

24 2021, 08

Explore History program an ‘unintended outcome’ that ‘couldn’t have been planned better’

2021-08-24T15:13:53-06:00August 24th, 2021|Community, Community Initiatives, Event, Events, Historic Preservation, Historic Tours, Uncategorized|

“It was all because people couldn’t hear in the back of the bus,” laughed Lisa Wells on a recent weekday in one of the the Hub on Smith’s meeting rooms. The Hub’s Senior Fun & Wellness Coordinator was explaining how [...]

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