24 2021, 03

Cure your cabin fever with a prescription of Vitamin Nature

2021-03-24T10:07:18-06:00March 24th, 2021|Community, Community Initiatives, Discovery Session, Event, Events, Hiking, Recent News, Recreation, Trails, Uncategorized, Unplug|

Happy first day of spring, y’all! With Pi Day on Sunday and Stone Cold Day on Tuesday and St. Paddy’s Day on Wednesday, the spillin’ o’ green may finally spill somewhere other than out of my wallet. And for that, [...]

15 2021, 01

SCLT Discovery Session: Human Migration of Southeastern Sheridan County

2021-03-02T12:12:31-07:00January 15th, 2021|Community, Discovery Session, Event, Events, Historic Tours|

From ancient hunting grounds to 20th century events, The Human Migration of Southeastern Sheridan County project will look at how the human migration process has changed the landscape. This SCLT Discovery Session will be a virtual journey that explores southeastern [...]

13 2021, 01

Volunteer group puts the ‘community’ in community trails with winter grooming at Red Grade Trails

2021-01-13T08:55:45-07:00January 13th, 2021|Community, Hiking, Recent News, Recreation, Trails, Volunteering|

Active Good, a new Sheridan nonprofit, partners with SCLT to groom Red Grade Trails for people-powered winter use Skiers, snowshoers, fat bikers and people-powered outdoor recreation enthusiasts alike have a new way to enjoy their beautiful Bighorns backyard this winter [...]

4 2020, 12

$30,000 Holiday Match Challenge open through January 15

2020-12-04T11:56:33-07:00December 4th, 2020|Community, Community Initiatives, Conservation, Discovery Session, Event, Events, Hiking, Historic Preservation|

Pam & John Standish have committed $30,000 to match all gifts made to SCLT through Jan. 15. Click here to double your impact and make your gift today! I hope you and your loved ones are well and wish for [...]

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